8 Reasons To Have An Online Energy Healing
Ever thought of having an online energy healing session? Here are 8 great reasons why you should....
Ever thought of having an online energy healing session? Here are 8 great reasons why you should....
Thin, Fluffy, and so delicious you can't go wrong. These are savoury pancakes that are so good you won't want a regular pancake ever again....
‘Dee’s Workshops’ are about helping you become more spiritually advanced while also giving you a chance to take some much needed time out for yourself. I will guide you through breath work, visualisations, energy work, healing meditations and powerful life transforming discussions, very similar to...
Did you know that your thyroid can't thrive without enough healthy fats? Eating within 90 minutes of waking up kick-starts your thyroid, keeps energy levels up, and tunes up your metabolism. ...
Our deep core wounds take the longest to unravel and resolve and, as they do, it becomes a challenging time but this is when we do our greatest inner healing. It's time to embrace the change....
Are you driven to achieve success? It's important to come from a heart space with balance...
Has this week felt like an emotional roller coaster ride? Well there’s good reason - we have a Super Blood Moon Eclipse on the way. But hang in there, allow me to explain....
Believe in yourself and know you are deserving of all the happiness and success you want to create....
Welcome in the year 2019 with these 5 simple but extremely important steps and say hello to an instantly new and improved version of you....
Meditation significantly improves your life. That's a fact, not a myth. Our small group meditation classes at Vyve on Tuesday nights and Wednesdays (morning and night sessions) are changing lives for the better, and here are the reasons why....