Fat Blaster Cavitation Treatment
This amazing Fat Blaster treatment at Vyve Eltham utilises a unique Cavitation technology that allows for non-invasive removal of stubborn fat deposits that never seems to disappear no matter what diet or how hard you work out. The most problematic body areas are abdomen, flanks (“love handles”), thighs (“saddle bags”), buttocks, inner knees, upper arm and male breasts. Your body can now be contoured with no anesthesia, no scars, and no down time!
Lift, tighten and smooth skin with the latest Radio Frequency technology. RF treatments are a popular non-surgical option for those looking for sag-free skin. The treatments concentrate radio waves over the targeted area, through the upper layers of the skin to the dermis, in order to heat the skin. This process produces a threefold effect – An immediate tightening of the skin through the contraction of collagen fibres, stimulation of new collagen production (this tightening effect is delayed and may take 1-3 months to be visible), and lastly an improvement in blood and lymphatic flow which aids in toxin clearance and better oxygen supply to further reduce the effects of ageing.
FAT BLASTER PACKAGE – ONLY $999 (value $1899)
We recommend this fabulous fat blasting package which we believe will assist you in obtaining your desired results. We really care at Vyve about your concerns with fat loss/weight loss. We work with you on your goals and expectations, offer dietary advice and support before setting out plan of all your fat blasting sessions and treatments. Fat Blasting Package includes 6 Fat Blaster treatments PLUS 2 Cellulite Reduction Therapy sessions to assist even further in helping you achieve your fat reduction goals.
Blaster trial offer $179 (value $269)
Fat Blaster Package ONLY $999 (usually $1899, amazing value, limited time – 8 treatments; 2 free)